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Ragtime (the 76th Annual Dolphin Show)

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
44 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 29, at 01:01 AM EST
Project Owners


November 29, 2017

The Dolphin Show is very happy this year to have particicpated in Northwestern’s Day of Giving celebration; #CatsGiveback. We are proud to announce that at the end of this campaign the Dolphin Show has raised $5,726 With this money we can build our set, place an order for lights, feed our community and so much more. We look forward to using it to make the show in January one of the most exciting Dolphin Shows in the History of our Organization.

Thank you for donating and supporting us during this campaign we could not have done any of this without your help. We hope you’ll join us in Cahn Auditorium this January for Ragtime.



November 28, 2017


Hello Friend of the Dolphin Show – we’ve raised $5,000 and are halfway from meeting our goal for #CatsGiveBack – we have another half a day to raise money and we don’t intend to waste any of it. Every dollar you can donate helps make Ragtime a reality. With this money you’ve helped build a set, and rent electrics and lights, but it represents only a fraction of the money we need to put on this show. Please give what you can.


Happy Giving Tuesday!!

November 28, 2017

We are excited to begin Northwestern’s celebration of Giving Tuesday, #Catsgiveback. We have twenty four hours to raise $10,000 and we can’t do it without your help. We're so thankful to everyone who already donated to help make this show a reality and we are 31% of the way. Every little bit of money helps us make our artists’ visions a reality.The money we raise with this campaign goes directly to our student designers and technicians to support their work on our Annual Production.

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This donation prints two of the scripts our actors rehearse from. Thanks for helping them learn their lines!


Dolph Alum

This donation helps pay for one copy of the score for our show.


Getting in Costume

This amount helps costume one of our cast members in period clothing.


Lights Up!

This amount helps us pay for the rental of our lights.


Take the Stage

This amount helps us build our set and rent Cahn Auditorium for our show in January.


Steal the Show!

This amount helps cover the equipment for our wonderful designers.

Our Crowdfunding Groups