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Minority Business Association: Winter Conference

Raised toward our $300 Goal
14 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 01:01 AM EST
Project Owners

REACHED 100% of the goal!

November 29, 2016

Hi, we have fantastic news to share!!




MBA couldn’t be more excited and are so so thankful to all of you who donated to our cause. Thanks to your donation, we would be able to bring an amazing keynote speaker and a group of panel for the conference!  We cannot appreciate you enough for all of your support.


You forgot to donate to us? Do not worry! You can still donate even if we reached our goal. Every donation is very important for holding the conference. Every dollar counts and will help us organize even better conference for our members and students


Again, we really cannot thank our generous donors enough!


MBA Exec Board


Reached 50% of the GOAL!

November 29, 2016

Hi, we have some exciting announcement-



Thank you so much to all of the donors who have supported us so far! MBA has been working on this project for months now and it is so exciting to see that you guys believe in our vision. We undoubtedly believe that the conference, thanks to the donors, will benefit aspiring young professionals.

We are so grateful for supporting us and for people who have not had chance to donate, do not worry! There is still time!

Any donation will help this project bring to life and make more meaningful experience for students. And it is 100% tax deductible!

Thank you so much in advance.

MBA Exec Board


Choose a giving level


$10 (Social Media)

Help us expand our social media efforts to promote the Winter Conference


$20.17 (Seating/ Equipment)

Help us get more chairs and tables for the event


$50 (Attendance)

With your $50 donation, we can have 10 more people in attendance


$75 (Travel)

With your help, we can cover all travel and hotel costs for our speakers


$100 (Speakers)

With a $100 gift, we can bring the best speakers in their respective industries

Our Crowdfunding Groups