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Making Mayhem

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
22 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 01:01 AM EST
Project Owners

We Did It

November 30, 2016

Thank you so much for everyone who donated it was incredibly generous of you, and we really appreciate all the help. We were able to hit 179% of our goal, which is incredible. Mayfest thanks you and we will do our best to provide the optimal Dillo experience for Northwestern!!

You're donations allowed us to make all of our events completely free for the public and it also allowed us to increase the amount of students that we can include in the show. Your donation goes to helping make Dillo better for everyone!

Thank you again for all the help we really appreciate every donation!

Keep on going

November 30, 2016

We have hit our goal, but we still want to hit our stretch goal, so please keep the donations coming!

75% of the way there

November 29, 2016

We are now more than 75% of the way there!!! Keep Donating so that we are able to hit our goal!

50% of the way there

November 29, 2016

We have been making great strides early this morning and we wish to continue the positive movement! Thank you for all of those who have donated, and if you have not there is still time!!!!

Choose a giving level


Let's get it started

Help Mayhem get off the ground running


Senior Gift

If you are a current senior and you donate this amount it counts as your senior gift


Too much talent

You are allowing us to increase the talent of who we bring you


So much flavor

You are increasing the quality of everything that Mayfest brings to you


Can't Stop the Mayhem

With your donation we are able to get the student body involved in ways that they never were before

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