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Competition&Connection (Women's Ultimate Frisbee)

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
45 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 19, at 01:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Thank You For Your Generosity!

March 21, 2019

We are so grateful for all of you and for Northwestern giving us this opportunity. Because of your gifts, we will be able to perform at our best against some of the best teams in the nation and will be able to contribute to bringing the local ultimate community closer together. Thank you so much for helping us reach our goal and beyond!


Time is almost up!

March 18, 2019

There are only 10 hours left to support the Northwestern women’s ultimate team during our Catalyzer campaign. We are so close to reaching our stretch goal! Your gift will provide access to off-campus practice space and fund the materials necessary to successfully run a tournament. We could not have made it this far without your support!

Let's Keep Moving Forward

February 27, 2019

Due to all of the support we have received, we decided to stretch our goal to $4,500! These extra funds will allow us to afford additional practice space in future years, expand our hosted tournament for more teams, and purchase new equipment for practices.


We are overwhelmed with gratitude and so honored to be this lucky that we have so many caring people who gave to our project. On behalf of all of GungHo Women’s Ultimate, we want to say THANK YOU!


We're Halfway There

February 21, 2019

Our Catalyzer project is in full swing! We are thrilled to announce that we have reached 50% of our fundraising goal. Thank you to everyone who has given so far. We are now that much closer to being at our best in competition and being able to host a full tournament!


We still have a ways to go, but with all of the support we have seen, we are confident that with your help we will be able to reach our goal.


Choose a giving level



The cutest, most effective pass. Giving $10 would allow us to buy cones to mark the fields at the tournament we will host for local schools.



Getting an upline pass off puts you in a good position to huck it downfield and score! This gift would let us supply water for participating teams at our tournament.



It always feels great to stop your girl from throwing where she wants to throw! Giving this amount would allow us to buy game discs for our tournament.


Breaking the Mark

It always feels great to throw the frisbee where your defender doesn’t want you to throw! This gift would go toward buying food for teams at our tournament.


Full Field Huck

Throw the disc from end to end with some major yards gained. A $250 gift would fund the money needed to rent out a local fieldhouse for practice.



There is no greater feeling than getting a defensive block and scoring at the same time! Give this much and you can fund a whole week’s worth of practice space for us.



The coolest, rarest, and greatest frisbee phenomenon: save a disc going out of bounds while simultaneously making a pass to a teammate. This gift would provide all the money to allow us to host our tournament!

Our Crowdfunding Groups