NU Club Scholarships
The Northwestern Alumni Association Club Scholarship program is dedicated to supporting area students and those with affiliation to affinities and special interest groups who attend Northwestern. With dozens of local and national alumni clubs participating, our alumni can have a significant and meaningful impact on the lives of Northwestern students who live in their geographic area or share a connection through an affinity or special interest group.
Why Contribute?
Scholarships are essential to help many students attend Northwestern, and a gift to a Club Scholarship will ensure that funds are directed to the best and brightest students with the greatest need.
Club scholarships help offset the “self-help” portion of the student’s financial package, which reduces the amount of loans, work-study, etc. that students need. It does not change any other awards that are given in the form of grants or other aid.
Our goal for this project is to raise $7,500. This money will go towards supporting local and national club scholarship efforts and allow clubs to offer additional students aid or increase awards for the upcoming academic year.
Please join your fellow Wildcats in helping the brightest students from your hometown, affinity or special interest get a Northwestern education!
How to Designate Your Club?
When making your gift please indicate the club (local or national) who should receive your donation in the Notes field. Any gifts not designated will be pooled into the Club Scholarship Local and Regional Account and will be distributed based on the donor's mailing address.
Other Ways to Make A Gift
To make donations by check, please make payable to Northwestern University and note your club designation in the memo line. Mail to:
Northwestern Alumni Association│Northwestern University Attn: Michele Cahill 1201 Davis Street Evanston, IL 60208
Lets a student pay for fees associated with co-curricular activities and clubs
Sends 4 students to a student affairs conference on multicultural, diversity and inclusion topics
Covers a student's plane ticket home for the holidays or quarter breaks