Buying $10 of jet fuel brings Fava 19 miles closer to Chicago! Someone else flew him to the US from Italy, but we still have to get him here from Philadelphia. Don't leave him in the air!
Help pay for two lecture seats, free and open to the public! We know a chair dealer with a great 2-for-1 special, so these seats are a bargain!
Help us pay for Antonio Fava's workshop and make it free and open to the public! This masterclass will be the highlight of his 3-day stay.
Antonio Fava loves pasta so much that our budget accommodates his need for quality Italian cuisine! $75 buys 75 pounds of noodles, the most important ingredient in commedia.
Everybody needs to sleep! For $100, you can subsidize half a night in Fava's hotel room. For him, not for you.
Every $150 donation will make the entire ensemble of the Panini Players cry joyful tears, knowing that someone out there REALLY wants more commedia in the world!