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Fan Service (Sit & Spin Productions)

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 04, at 01:01 AM EST
Project Owners

Fan Service (Sit & Spin Productions)

Sit and Spin Productions is Northwestern’s experimental theater board on campus that exists to expand the definition of theater at NU by giving artists opportunities to explore unconventional, risk-taking works. FAN SERVICE is a new play written by Ferdinand Moscat and directed by Lola Bodé as part of Sit and Spin’s Artist in Residence slot. The AIR slot allows student artists to pitch their dream project and watch it become a reality in less than a year! This year, FAN SERVICE, by Ferdinand Moscat, follow the boys of One Direction as they travel through time and space, navigating youth, friendship, love, loss, rage, and salvation. With an entirely female and non-binary cast, Fan Service is a weird little play that begs the question–how has the internet, social media, and stan culture shaped the way we grieve? Can you love something into existence? As you can probably tell, shit gets weird.

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Your gift will help us print new drafts for our actors! Thank you!


Class of '23

Senior Class Gift


Dressed to impress

Thank you, thank you! This gift helps our costume designer dress the 1D boys.


Lights up!

With this gift, you help pay for the rental of our lights and support our lighting designer! Thank you!


Setting it up!

Thank you for your support! Your generous gift will help our set designer make their vision a reality.

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