THANK YOU TO ALL DONORS! We are so excited to have met our initial goal of $1,000! This has allowed us to purchase two team bikes and plenty of equipment for team use. This greatly decreases the financial barrier of participating in all aspects of Triathlon Club, and we’re excited to send more members to race in Nationals. But it doesn’t stop there—you can still make a gift! We have set a stretch goal of $1,200. Any additional gifts will be used to fund our triathlon coach and more equipment. Having a coach is essential for us to ensure all club members are ready to take on the daunting swimming, biking, and running Nationals course.
We are so excited to have raised another $250! Thank you to all who made a gift. With this $500 we are able to buy a bike in addition to some race equipment. If you are able, we appreciate gifts of any amount; we would love to continue to be able to further equip our team!
Thank you to all who have already supported our Catalyzer campaign! We are so grateful for gifts of any amount! The average club member usually pays $200 to get all the equipment they need for a triathlon. With our first $250, we will be able to buy helmets and flat repair kits to make sure our members are safe out on the road. Fourth year club member Isaac says, "Without the team bike I got to use last spring and summer I wouldn't have been able to train as much as I did. Now, I'm excited to have raced in Nationals and two other Olympic distance triathlons!"