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Winter and Skiing Gear (Club Ski Team)

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
24 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 06:01 AM EST
Project Owners

First Place Finish!

November 08, 2022

Thank you so much for all your continued support. Our fundraising has completed and we raised over $2000 dollars to equip our team! You have all ensured that more Northwestern students will have access to the slopes. Thank you for providing this opportunity to all our athletes! 

Choose a giving level


Socks and Snow Boots

This is our lowest tier for purchasing socks and snow boots for members on out team.


Winter Snow Pants

This is the second level for getting snow pants for our members.


Winter Jackets

Want to help us get a winter jacket, this is the third tier.


Ski Gear

This is the fourth tier if you want to get a full ski gear setup for our memebers!


Pair of Skis

This is the 5th Tier and gets our team one pair of skis to use for people across our team!


Full Winter Package

Want to provide all the ski equipment for one member? This can help one new skier get on the mountain.


Full Racer Package

Our final tier, this minimum donation will give one racer all the necessary equipment to ski fast and shred!

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