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Science Olympiad @ NU Invitational 2023 (Science Olympiad)

Raised toward our $3,600 Goal
47 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 06:01 AM EST
Project Owners


November 04, 2022

Thank you so much for supporting our first in-person Science Olympiad tournament! Because of YOU, we are able to provide tournament space, laboratory equipment, medals, and trophies for 30 high school teams across the country at our invitational in February! We look forward to putting on an amazing event for everyone attending, and we couldn't have done this without your help.

Thank you again for promoting our project and giving generously!!

Counting down to the end of our fundraiser...

November 03, 2022

There are only 9 hours left in our fundraiser for the first-ever Science Olympiad tournament! Make a gift before time runs out to support aspiring young scientists and engineers at our first in-person tournament at Northwestern!

75% there!

October 12, 2022

We’re almost there—we only have 25% of our fundraiser left to go! At this point, your support has helped us maintain a wonderful tournament space at Northwestern and obtain supplies for both laboratory and exam events. We are now also able to fund some medals to reward high schoolers for their efforts in preparing for events!

Now, any gifts will go towards sponsoring medals for all high schoolers who place in the top six of their events, as well as a trophy for the top five winning high school teams. Your gift will make a huge difference to these high schoolers, who’ve spent months preparing for our tournament! Thank you so much for your continued support

We've raised half of our goal!

October 11, 2022

We have officially reached the halfway point of our fundraiser! With the gifts we have so far, we are able to keep our tournament space at Northwestern clean and ready for visiting high schoolers and coaches! Now, any future gifts will go towards supplies for our laboratory and exam events! Thank you for your continued support!

Project Launch!

October 11, 2022

We are officially 24 hours into our fundraising campaign! Thank you to those who have already supported us, and we welcome any and all gifts to help us host our tournament for aspiring young scientists!

Choose a giving level



You’ve funded a t-shirt for one of our volunteers!



You’ve funded medals for an entire event, rewarding 10 high schoolers for all their hard work!



You’ve purchased a chemical reagent for a high schooler to explore the depths of their chemistry lab skills!



You've helped us reserve Ryan Auditorium (or another space on campus) for several hours on Tournament Day!



You’ve funded a trophy for a winning high school team! As they celebrate, we may tune in at the end of the school year to watch them excel at nationals!

Our Crowdfunding Groups