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2023 Racecar (BAJA SAE)

Raised toward our $12,000 Goal
38 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 30, at 06:01 AM EST
Project Owners

Thank you!

November 04, 2022
Backers Only: Only backers of this project can see this update. If you are a backer please to see this update.

Update: Stretch Goal!

October 23, 2022

Wow! We have already reached our goal! Thanks so much to everyone for helping us out. Since there is still more time on the clock, we have increased our goal to $15,000. The more our team can fundraise, the better car we can build, and the better we can provide the enriching experience we promise our members. Every dollar will be put to good use—our shocks and frame are covered, but we still need to purchase components for our custom differentials, steering and brakes systems, materials for training new members, and much more. Help us get to our new goal, and help us make Baja a place for fun, family, and learning.

Update: 100% of our Goal!

October 23, 2022

We couldn’t be more grateful here at Baja. We have reached our goal and cannot wait to put the funds to good use. This year, a large portion of these funds will be put towards purchasing raw materials, shocks, as well as tubes for our frame, which our welders can’t wait to begin working on! Thank you to everyone who has made a gift. Your support means so much to us. Let’s build a car!

Update: 75% of our Goal!

October 18, 2022

Unbelievable! We have reached 75% of our goal, and we couldn’t be happier here at Baja. Thank you to everyone who has supported us. We know that COVID has certainly made things difficult the past couple of years, so we are extremely grateful for all your support. It looks like we have enough for a car frame! Help us get to 100%! Let’s build a car!

Baja 2022-2023 Catalyzer Launch!

October 11, 2022

Hi everyone! Baja is so excited to put on this fundraiser. We have already had a number of gifts, and we’re hoping to receive many more. Your support goes a long way—from raw materials like aluminum stock and steel tubing, to welding supplies, to the bolts needed to mount our suspension, your gifts are what allow us to cross the finish line. By funding this team, you are not only supporting our build, you are facilitating so much learning, educational as well as personal growth, and invaluable friendships and experiences made along the way. We are asking everyone reading this to help us out by giving what you can and sharing the link with everyone you know. This team cannot run without your help. Let’s build a car!

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Welding Supplies

Baja does all of our welding in-house -- we weld our own frame, suspension, powertrain, and ergonomics components. To keep doing our own welding, we need gloves, helmets, jackets, filler metal, electrodes, and more.


Bolts and Shock Belts

We need lots and lots of bolts of all different sizes and types to hold the components of our car tightly together. Shock limiting straps are an essential too, helping prevent damage to our suspension and powertrain.


Fixturing Materials

In order to properly and efficiently weld all of our components, including the frame and suspension arms, we need to build fixtures for our tubing. We'll need metal plates, collets, bolts, and more.


Joints and Axles

Our powertrain and suspension need a variety of different kinds of joints and axles in order to properly transfer power from the engine to our wheels.



Our off-roading car is nothing without its shock absorbers, which control the movement of our suspension, dampening forces from the ground and obstacles.


Frame Tubes

Our car needs a frame! We spent months designing our 2023 frame and need your help to buy our tubes so we can weld them together into a car.

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