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Building a New Off-Road Car

Raised toward our $8,000 Goal
76 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 02, at 01:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Getting Dirty

May 10, 2016

This past Sunday, 12 members of the Baja team took two of our cars for testing at the Cliffs Off-Road park in Marseilles, Illinois. The primary purpose of our trip was to test our new data acquisition system and collect information that will provide us with the knowledge to enhance our future cars. Furthermore, we were able to get many new members a great deal of driving training. It was a beautiful (but dirty!) day and everybody had a blast!



We're on our way!

May 04, 2016

In just over a week, we have already far surpassed our original goal of $5000. Thank you SO much for your continued support! We have truly been blown away at the assistance we have received from the community. In recent days, the team has made the decision to build a new race car next year! This shift to a yearly build cycle will be made possible through Catalyzer’s funding, but in order for this to be feasible,  we still need your continued support! We have a ways to go, as we spent $25,000 in the last year alone, and we look forward to the journey ahead!




NU Motorcats

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Nuts and Bolts

$10 can buy us 100 bolts! We have thousands on the car, and every one counts.



Grease helps all of the parts move smoothly- from the CV joints to the steering rack, everything is better with grease. $20 makes a little bit go a very long way. Also here's a special shout out to seniors for the extra 16 cents to whisker the kittens.


Welding Electrodes

Essentially everything on the car that's permanently fastened is welded. In order to do this, we need lots of tungsten electrodes and filler rod. This donation will provide enough to last about half a year!


Machinable Foam

One of our main focuses as a team is constantly learning new processes. Machinable Foam enables us to practice using advance machinery (such as manual and CNC mills) and teach our younger members how to do the same!


Sheet Metal

Sheet Metal goes into numerous aspects of the car, and is also used to train younger members in manufacturing. This contribution will help us obtain enough sheet metal to train 10 new members, or finish a large sheet metal component of the car, like the CVT guard.


Carbon Fiber

Carbon Fiber is known for extreme lightness and strength; for that reason it's a great material to put on the car! With each passing year, we're increasing the amount of carbon fiber we use, and this will ensure we can continue doing just that!


Aluminum Block

We use large bricks of aluminum to machine our gearbox housing, and those add up fast! This contribution will ensure we can build a new gearbox next year.


Steel Tubing

Our entire frame is built from certified steel tubing to ensure the car's safety. The frame is the building block of our entire car, and without it we wouldn't exist.

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