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Setting a Goal and RaceRunning to the Finish Line

Raised toward our $10,320 Goal
27 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 26, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Dream Come True

August 01, 2019

Dear Supporters,


“I’ve dreamed about running on the lake front like my dad”. This was casually said by the first RaceRunning participant during an early training session. You can see by the photo (attached) that we were able to make that dream come true because of your generosity!  The donations that were received from the Catalyzer project have allowed us to purchase 4 used RaceRunners and initiate the program on a small scale this summer. We learned so much and  trained with a lovely young lady to run a 1 mile community race this past weekend. On a gorgeous Saturday morning, she cut a third off of her goal time and had fun with her family, PTHMS, and her Chicago community. Despite finals and studying, Northwestern student participation in training sessions and the run event was an experience they likely would not have otherwise had in PT school. Thank you. We are so appreciative of your assistance in making this a reality and look forward to working with more kids and our PT students to celebrate participation and active lifestyles across all physical abilities. 


Kind regards, Theresa


Up & RaceRunning!

July 13, 2019

Thank you to the donors who have contributed to this project!

Although we did not reach our overall funding goal, we were able to use the funds collected to purchase used RaceRunner devices from a local adaptive sports group. This has enabled an exciting opportunity to work with an adolescent who has cerebral palsy to train for a community run this summer!


We are excited to cheer her on to achieve this goal!


Check in here for training updates this summer! 

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Pulse Oximeter

Northwestern Physical Therapy students can monitor children’s heart rates



Northwestern Physical Therapy students will be able record training sessions for analysis



A bike that Northwestern Physical Therapy students will use to train children in running

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