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Accessible UNITY (UNITY Charity Fashion Show)

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
20 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 10, at 01:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

25% YAY!

April 11, 2019

We are excited to announce that we have achieved 25% of our fundraising goal! With the money that you have helped us raise, we will be able to host our own design competition, which will provide the opportunity for students in the Northwestern and CPS communities to showcase their design skills! Moreover, you have helped us run marketing campaigns to spread the word about our fantastic work!

Choose a giving level


Round-Trip Bus Ticket

Fund one Northwestern Student's trip to and from UNITY


Design Competition Sweatshirt

Fund the production of one sweatshirt for this year's UNITY 2019 Design Competition


Fund a Campaign

Help us publicize and fundraise for our event! These $50 will fully fund a promotional marketing campaign and/or fundraiser to #SupportCPS


Clothing Racks

We know it isn't the most glamorous donation, but $75 will cover the cost of clothing racks that we need for our fashion show this year and in the years to come!


Marketing and Fundraising

With $100, UNITY can execute a marketing and fundraising campaign! Help get our name out AND raise money for our beneficiary!


Fund a Bus

For $250, you have the opportunity to fund an entire school bus that will transport 72 Northwestern students to UNITY Charity Fashion Show


Support a Designer

Fund one of the three winning designers from our design competition


Three Busses

Funding three busses will transport over 200 Northwestern students to UNITY Charity Fashion Show!


Host a UNITY Design Comp.

You can fund the bulk purchase of our sweatshirts and the printing production costs of our design competition sweatshirts!

Our Crowdfunding Groups