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Sustainable Development Week (NU Global Brigades)

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
17 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 19, at 01:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

Sustainable Development Week (NU Global Brigades)

Who are we?


Global Brigades at Northwestern University aims to bring aid to the deserving regions of Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, Ghana, and other countries serviced by the international Global Brigades effort through holistic development, while providing Northwestern students with unique opportunities for leadership, networking, international travel, and service.


Our on-campus programming, open to all students, includes panel events with professors and experts in the fields of economic development, global health, and infrastructure development. We also give the Northwestern community the opportunity to network with experts, lead discussions, engage in local service in Evanston, and learn about the locations we service, all in the context of sustainable, long-term development.


Our Goal


Our goal for sustainability week is to engage the Northwestern community and start a dialogue with students, professors, and development experts on sustainable international development.


To do this we are creating a whole week of events we call Sustainability Week!

  1. Sunday - We will begin the week on Sunday, April 7 by painting the Rock to promote the beginning of Sustainability Week.

  2. Monday - We will hold a whiteboard campaign in front of the Rock asking students what the greatest challenges are to sustainable development and telling them how they can help! Pictures of students and their whiteboards will be posted on Facebook.

  3. Tuesday - We will hold a student-led discussion, organized as a roundtable, during which students talk about topics such as sustainable living and life cycle analysis.

  4. Wednesday - We will hold a profit share with a locally owned and sustainably run Evanston restaurant such as Freshii.

  5. Thursday - We will hold a panel including four professors and field experts who will speak on sustainability on a global scale. These professors will discuss their experience with development, the challenges, and the solutions they have come up with.

  6. Friday - We will screen Leonardo DiCaprio’s documentary Before the Flood, a film about climate change and sustainable living.

  7. Saturday - We will end the week by hosting a service trip to volunteer at a Chicago urban garden.  

As a whole, this Sustainability Week is intended to educate students on the importance of local and global sustainability, which can often get lost in the day-to-day lives of college students.


This project will be held in early spring, so we need your support now!


How you can help



Your gifts will directly support our Sustainability Week at Northwestern! Some of the gifts will go toward promoting our event, like the supplies to paint the Rock, while the rest will go toward bringing development experts to Northwestern! All of the gifts will go toward supporting our mission of sustainable, long-term development.  



Please share your project with friends, family, and colleagues! This can be over social media, over the phone, or in person!


Social Media and News




Our work this summer:

Choose a giving level


Support Sustainable Developent

Support our work on Campus!


Senior Class Gift

Make your senior class gift, or a gift in honor of the class of 2019!


Purchase Paint

Help us purchase paint for the rock! We will paint our club logo and the Sustainability Week schedule!


Student Panel Supplies

Help us purchase materials for our campus panel discussion on sustainability!


Media & Marketing Collateral

Help us promote Sustainability Week to Northwestern students through social media advertising!


Movie Projector

Help us buy a movie projector for our screening of Before the Flood


Catering Panel&Student Events

Help us purchase food for our panel events with professors and experts in the field as well as student roundtable discussions about sustainability!


Speaker Fees

Help us pay the fees for outside speakers and professors to give talks on sustainability!


Fund a Local Project!

Help fund one of our local service projects! With a focus on sustainable development, our service projects enable us to engage Northwestern students while making our local communities stronger!


Fund Sustainable Development

This gift will help Northwestern students participate in international sustainable development work! Your gift will have a direct impact on the Northwestern student body in its mission for stronger international communities!

Our Crowdfunding Groups